Wynwood Art District- Visual Stimulation

In the early 2000’s, Wynwood was much like any other industrial urban neighborhood that had fallen on hard times. It had its share of failed manufacturing businesses, abandoned warehouses and crime. Pedestrian activity was non existent.

Enter Tony Goldman (December 6, 1943 to September 11, 2012). Tony was a real estate developer and art visionary.

“Rather than work to erase what others considered blight, Tony envisioned a town center that highlighted what made Wynwood authentic, and provided a place for people from from all walks of life, from all over the world, to congregate, explore and be inspired.” ~ Jessica Goldman Srebnick, daughter of Tony Goldman.

In 2009 Wynwood Walls were born. It is the centerpiece of the neighborhood.

Just south of the Miami Design District is the Wynwood Art District (named one of America’s best hipster neighborhood by Forbes Magazine) with its exterior walls serving as giant canvases for the greatest street art collection ever assembled in one place and it is one of Miami’s most happening districts.

“In six years, the Walls have helped ignite one of the largest art movement in history, elevating street art to a genre that is widely accepted by art lovers of all economic classes and has changed the paradigm of how people interact with art.” ~ Jessica Goldman Srebnick

“Thought provoking and celebratory of creativity and talent, the Walls have become a focal point of what is happening in the world of street art.” ~ Jessica Goldman Srebnick

The Wynwood Art District is home to over 70 galleries, museums and collections.

The District is not only known for its arts scene but also boasts of its chic clothing boutiques, stylish bistros and late-night bars.

The 2017 Miami Edition of Art Basel which is usually held on South Beach was held in the Wynwood District.

If you happen to find yourself in Wynwood on the second Saturday of the month many local galleries open their doors for a public “Art Walk” that is not to be missed. This is on my “To Do” list.

Skip the malls, skip South Beach, next time you visit Miami check out Wynwood.

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